Little Hats, Big Hearts Donation Drive a Huge Success

by | Jan 29, 2018 | News | 0 comments

Many hands worked together to make the

Little Hats, Big Hearts

donation drive a huge success this month. TriCounty Health Department’s Teen Outreach Program in Uintah County set a goal to make and gather 50 little red yarn beanies to be donated to hospitals for newborns throughout the state in the month of February which is designated as Heart Month. The youth spent up to 12 hours at home crocheting hats to donate and between their effort and community donations, over 173 red hats were collected, surpassing their goal by 123 hats. Sadly, more hats would have been donated but an unknown amount of hats were taken from one of the dropboxes. “This made us angry,” shared one student participant, “but we overcame it and made more hats.” Twenty-seven youth participated in the project. Donations have been delivered to the American Heart Association.


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