Littering an Issue at Old Fort Ponds in Uintah County

by | May 20, 2020 | News | 0 comments

The Old Fort Ponds in Uintah County are a popular fishing spot and the site has received increased use in recent days. Unfortunately, there are some not showing respect during their visit and littering has become an increasing problem. DWR Conservation Outreach Manager Tonya Kieffer-Selby shares that regional biologists visited the ponds on Tuesday to assess the area and see how the fish were doing. “They spent extra time picking up tons of fishing line, lures and hooks, broken glass, bait containers, worm containers, power bait chunks and food wrappers,” shares Kieffer-Selby. “We understand people may not do it on purpose, but we need help with picking up trash—even if it is not yours. We know this place gets a ton of use and we do not expect it to remain ‘pristine’ but we are asking people to be responsible and pick up after themselves. Law enforcement will be monitoring the situation and citations will be issued for those caught littering.” Kieffer-Selby also reminds all that there are NO dogs allowed at the ponds because it is written into the wildlife management area plan and finally, all are urged to practice good angler etiquette and be courteous of the anglers around you. The fish limit is 2 fish per person.  

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