What started as a giant object lesson 8 years ago in California has turned into a traveling exhibit that will be making a stop in Roosevelt this spring and all are invited to see it for themselves. The traveling exhibit is a historically accurate life-size replica of the Tabernacle of Moses that was used for the worship of the ancient Israelites. Having heard of a youth camp building a replica in Idaho, a religious leader over young men in Huntington Beach, California decided they would make their own full-size replica as accurate as possible to size, colors, and artifacts such as the Ark of the Covenant. With the help of a Professor of the Hebrew Bible and a retired contractor, construction began in 2015. Now in 2023, the structure is in the middle of a year-long tour of Utah, being sponsored by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Its stop in Roosevelt is scheduled for May 12th through the 16th and event tickets will be available at www.TabernacleUtah.com about 2 weeks ahead of the event.