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LEPC Meeting Explores Further Impacts of Dollar Ridge Fire

by | Aug 31, 2018 | News | 0 comments

The August meeting of the Uintah County Local Emergency Planning Committee, or LEPC, welcomed a presenter who now knows further the far reaching impacts of a major emergency. Mike Lefler serves as the Duchesne County Fire Marshal and Emergency Manager and he had plenty to share with the Uintah County group about responding to the ongoing issues of the Dollar Ridge Fire including things the public may not consider like impacts to the oilfield, pipelines, and power lines. Beyond the risk to life and homes, the Dollar Ridge Fire threatened critical infrastructure. Lefler emphasized that the good relationships already established with the infrastructure partners made a positive difference when they had to communicate and work together in response to the Dollar Ridge Fire. The meeting was well attended with over 40 there to learn from Mr. Lefler about his experience so far dealing with the Dollar Ridge Fire.

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