Legislative Review on Education

by | May 3, 2017 | News | 0 comments

House Representative Scott Chew and Senator Kevin Van Tassell presented at the Vernal Area Chamber luncheon on Tuesday. Among the updates was a review given by Representative Chew explaining which legislation will affect education into the future. There was an increase to the WPU of 4% as well as some new revenue in the state budget, 60% of which was allocated to education. “This was the largest share in recent memory,” shared Rep. Chew. The legislature also passed HB 212 which provides incentives for effective teachers in high poverty schools.  Representative Chew expressed some concerns with the bill that it puts the resources in the school boards hands rather than the teachers. HB 43 was also passed and is likely to have a positive local effect. The bill adds incentives for teachers at American Indian and Alaskan Native concentrated schools. Chew stated that the addition of pilot programs can help schools succeed and will likely have an affect on those schools in the Basin. A final bill mentioned by Rep. Chew is that a bill was passed to allow kids to have sunscreen in school. Like most people, Rep. Chew said he didn’t know it was actually illegal but now is not.

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