When it comes to the Special Olympics, local law enforcement offer their full support. The 2017 Special Olympics Northeast Area Summer Games are a month away and the Uintah County Sheriff’s Office will soon be holding their annual charity golf tournament. “We are excited to have everyone come down,” shares Sheriff Vance Norton. “We love to help out our Special Olympics.” The Sheriff’s Office has held this annual tradition for years and Special Olympics is something local law enforcement look forward to. Every year, local law enforcement and emergency response agencies make the torch run a special event by escorting the olympians down Highway 40 in full lights and sirens. The Basin Special Olympics is sponsored by the Utah Central Association of Realtors – Uintah Basin Chapter and the community is invited to come be part of this amazing event. Again this year, part of the games will include an Athlete Carnival. This year’s Special Olympics Summer Games are being held in Vernal on Wednesday, May 17th, at the Uintah High School track. For more information, call