Launch of Utah Energy United Announced; Request for Public’s Help

by | Mar 23, 2021 | News | 0 comments

The Utah Petroleum Association is fully committed to battling heavy regulations on the oil and gas industries coming from the Biden Administration and they are asking for the public to join them in the battle. “We need you as an advocate,” shares Rikki Hrenko-Browning, President of the Utah Petroleum Association. “As many of you know or may have heard, the Biden Administration has placed an open-ended moratorium on federal oil and natural gas leasing and initiated a review on a number of other natural resource activities including making the electric grid carbon-free, increasing royalty rates, and much more. We expect actions like this to continue from DC…It is therefore incumbent upon us to tell our side of the story and advocate on our own behalf. That’s why we’re launching Utah Energy United,” continues Hrenko-Browning. “We’re seeking folks just like you to build a team of advocates who understand and can articulate the benefits of a robust oil and natural gas industry. We have a story to tell, and it’s up to us to tell it…We want folks who understand the positive impact oil and gas has on Utah: The favorite cafe of your field crew. The water hauler who works with you. Friends, neighbors, or fellow church goers who may not work in the industry but recognize its importance. Basically, we want a chorus of voices from across the community and the economy to help paint a complete picture of how oil and gas benefits Utah.” To add your voice and support this cause go fill out the online form at  

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