Kinkaid Continues Pursuit Opposing Salt River Project

by | Apr 10, 2017 | News | 0 comments

Former Moffat County Commissioner John Kinkaid continues to spread opposition across state lines to one of the nation’s largest public power utilities. While making his opposition to Salt River Project known locally, Kinkaid has also written letters for publications in Arizona as the Salt River Project is also “dumping on the Navajo Nation” there. “Some of the electricity that Arizonans use everyday comes from Craig Station in Moffat County, Colorado,” shares Kinkaid in his letter. “We have helped to provide you with power for over 35 years. Now, Salt River Project, who is a part owner of Craig Station, is claiming that because the power plant’s fuel is coal, that makes the plant worth less money. This assertion is false. Salt River is just being opportunistic and employing a sleazy business practice.” Clearly, Kinkaid’s response does not mince words as he freely states that Salt River Project “will hurt anyone to advance their purposes.” Among the biggest sticking points for Kinkaid is that the Moffat County School District is losing over $400,000 dollars while already struggling financially.

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