Intoxicated Man Arrested For Alleged Sexual Assault

by | Aug 8, 2024 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

A police response to the Wells Club in Duchesne City during the early morning hours of August 4th resulted in arrest. According to the Affidavit of Probable Cause, 38-year-old Leroy Martinez Gonzales is accused of groping a woman. A witness gave a statement that Gonzales was seen grabbing the victim on her private areas. The woman walked outside onto the back patio and the witness went outside and observed Gonzales again standing in front of the victim and heard the victim protesting. This prompted the witness to tell Gonzales to leave, which he did. The victim then stated that Gonzales had hurt her and asked them to call the police. Gonzales was reported to have left on foot and was later located passed out on the sidewalk in front of a hotel room. Gonzales was arrested and is charged with 2nd Degree Felony Forcible Sexual Abuse as well as Intoxication. He is currently being held on no bail. 

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