Calling Naples City residents! Your input is needed. Naples City will be hosting an open house to hear from the public on how 2000 East and 500 South to 1900 South should be improved. “Naples City has received a federal grant and is working with CIVCO Engineering on the redesign for improving 2000 East,” shares Naples City. “As a resident of Naples City, we would appreciate your input into how the road should be improved: sidewalks, shoulders, bike lanes? This is your road, help us do it correctly.” The Open House is taking place on May 5th, 7:00pm to 8:30pm at the old Naples City Fire Station.
If you are unable to attend but would like to share your ideas, call Naples City Manager Joshua Bake at 435-789-9090 or Bret Reynolds with CIVCO Engineering at 435-789-5448,