Increases Scheduled For Flaming Gorge Dam Releases 

by | Jul 17, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Water releases have been scheduled to increase from Flaming Gorge Dam. According to the Bureau of Reclamation, releases are to be initiated in mid-July as part of the Colorado pikeminnow experiment. As of July 12th the average daily releases were approximately 900 cubic feet per second and they will increase to achieve greater than 2,200 cubic feet per second. As of July 11th, Flaming Gorge Reservoir pool elevation was over 6,031 feet. This is about 90 percent of the live storage capacity. The reservoir’s June inflow reached about 147 percent of the average June unregulated inflow volume. The unregulated inflows into Flaming Gorge are projected to be near average in July, August, and September. The next Reclamation Flaming Gorge Working Group meeting is being held on August 23rd at 10am in Vernal at the DWR office. 

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