Ice Fishers Needed on Flaming Gorge Reservoir

by | Jan 17, 2019 | News | 0 comments

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources wants to invite anglers to ice fish Flaming Gorge Reservoir. The smaller lake trout are causing problems many other species of fish.

Randy Oplinger, sport fisheries coordinator for the Utah DWR, explains that “the smaller lake trout are competing with kokanee salmon and rainbow trout for food.” He further clarifies that the competition is affecting both the number and size of kokanee and rainbows in the reservoir. “Kokanee and rainbows are the two fish lake trout prey on,” he says. “If we can reduce the number of smaller lake trout, [there will] be more kokanee and rainbows for anglers to catch and for the remaining lake trout to eat.  Keeping your limit of smaller lake trout should produce bigger lake trout to catch in the future.” The limit stands at 12 lake trout with only one being over 28 inches. Oplinger also reminds anglers that they must keep any burbot that are caught.


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