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Hunter Orange Changes During 2024 Utah Legislative Session

by | Mar 28, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The 2024 Utah legislative session saw several changes to wildlife-related laws and one relates to the amount of ‘hunter orange’ an individual has to wear during specific hunting seasons. The law previously required an individual to wear a minimum of “400 square inches of hunter orange while hunting a species of big game.” The new law in HB222 states that anyone hunting big game needs to wear hunter orange on the exterior so that it can be seen. This needs to be one or more of the following: a hat, shirt, jacket, coat, vest or sweater. The law also now gives authority to the DWR director to designate that individuals like hikers, campers and other recreational users or private landowners can be required to wear hunter orange while recreating on a wildlife management area during a big game rifle hunt. 

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