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How to Stay Safe in Bear Country While Hiking and Camping

by | Jun 14, 2018 | News | 0 comments

Black bears often live in the same areas that we camp and hike posing obvious safety concerns for both humans and bears. Sloppy campers and hikers don’t just endanger themselves, shares the Division of Wildlife Resources, but also future visitors. When hiking, stay alert and in large groups, make noise, stay away from animal carcasses, store scented items in airtight plastic bags, keep kids in the center of the group, and NEVER approach or feed a wild bear under any circumstance. If you encounter a black bear stand your ground, don’t run away or climb a tree, and know bear behavior. Stay calm and give the bear a chance to leave. If a black bear attacks, use bear spray, always fight back, or defend yourself. While camping, it is crucial to store food, drinks and scented items securely in vehicles or bear-safe containers and never have them in your tent. Dispose of trash in bear-proof dumpsters, wipe down picnic tables, and burn food off stoves or grills. If you encounter an aggressive bear, immediately call police or the Vernal DWR Office at 435-781-9453.

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