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Highway 40 Temporarily Closed On Wednesday Evening Due To Low Visibility

by | Feb 23, 2023 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

Highway 40 was temporarily closed for low visibility and slick conditions on Wednesday. 

According to UHP Sgt. Cameron Roden, the area between mile marker 130 and 140 had especially low visibility with a lot of vehicles sliding off the road. Highway Patrol closed down Highway 40 at 4:30pm to wait for the wind and visibility conditions to improve. They were able to reopen Highway 40 at 5:05pm. Sgt. Roden said speed was the top reason for slide offs throughout the Basin on Wednesday. “We sound like a broken record but we have people going too fast for the snow,” shares Sgt. Roden. “We’ve got to be patient, especially on days like this when we know the storm is coming. We know it is going to be a big storm so we should be prepared for it.” In short, he says we just have to slow down so everyone can be safe.

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