High Fitness Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Party

by | Sep 26, 2024 | News | 0 comments

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and a special Breast Cancer Awareness Pink
Party is happening at the Uintah Recreation Center next week. The event is being held in
the rec center’s large gym on Saturday, October 5th. “Join all the High Fitness Instructors
as we honor those who have, are battling, or lost their battle to Breast Cancer,” shares the
announcement. “The first 75 people to arrive will receive a Pink Party Swag Bag so
arrive accordingly. Once they’re gone, there will be no more!” The party will include a 1
hour High Fitness workout. Wear all pink and invite your friends. The party is free with a
membership or $7 dollars without a membership. The party starts at 9am.

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