Help Name the New Chamber of Commerce Dinosaur

by | May 14, 2020 | News | 0 comments

As you’re traveling along Highway 40 in Vernal be sure to notice a new community member that is watching the comings and goings of us all! The Chamber of Commerce has a new green dinosaur in front of their building and they would love some help giving this new friend a name. There’s more than just the thrill of victory in store for the winner. There’s also cash prizes at stake! Those that would like to enter a name into the contest must be between the ages of 5 and 18. There is only one entry allowed per person and entries must be submitted by email to or through the Vernal Area Chamber of Commerce Facebook Page or Facebook Messenger. All entries must be submitted by Tuesday, May 19th by 5pm. The winner will be announced on the Vernal Area Chamber of Commerce Facebook page on Friday, May 22nd at noon. The 1st place prize is a $150 gift card, 2nd place is a $75 gift card, and 3rd place is a $50 gift card.  

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