Health Warning Issued For Matt Warner Reservoir

by | Jul 25, 2024 | News | 0 comments

A Health Watch issued for Matt Warner Reservoir was upgraded to a Health Warning on Tuesday, confirming that a Harmful Algal Bloom is present at Matt Warner Reservoir. A Harmful Algal Bloom is just what it sounds like. It’s algae in the water that produces dangerous toxins that can make humans and animals sick. If you visit Matt Warner Reservoir: do not swim or water ski; avoid areas of algae when boating; clean fish well and discard guts; keep animals away; and don’t drink the water. There have also been signs of Harmful Algal Bloom at Crouse Reservoir. Please adhere to the safety guidelines at both of these reservoirs in northeastern Utah. Also, note that the appearance of HABs varies widely: blooms usually appear in various shades of green or blue – but may also be red, pink, white, gray, or purple. The texture of blooms may resemble spilled paint, green globules, surface scum, foam, floating mats, or look like grass clippings.

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