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Hawkwatch International Participating In Roosevelt Nature Park Grand Opening 

by | Jun 19, 2024 | News | 0 comments

While it is exciting enough to have the grand opening happening tomorrow for Roosevelt’s new Nature Park, a special guest will make it an especially exciting event. HawkWatch International is bringing an eagle for a special meet and greet. Roosevelt City PIO Sunshine Bellon shares that this amazing bird will only be there from 5 to 6pm so don’t miss your chance to see an eagle up close and in person. The Grand Opening for the Nature Park will run from 5 to 8pm on June 20th. Roosevelt City has shared that parking is limited in the main parking lot of the Nature Park but there are multiple other parking locations with Nature Park trail access. For your safety, we do not recommend parallel parking on State Street near the Nature Park access road. If you like to walk, please consider parking at the King’s Peak or UMBC parking areas so that those with limited mobility can use the main parking area.

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