Give’m Health: What Is TriCounty Health’s Role At The Farmer’s Market?

by | Jun 14, 2023 | News | 0 comments

The time for Farmers Markets approaches and TriCounty Health Department is providing some clarification of their role when it comes to these events. TriCounty Environmental Health Director Darrin Brown explains that Farmers Markets are inspected by the Utah Department of Agriculture who is able to issue certain permits for things like Cottage Foods but Farmers Markets have evolved into selling a lot more than just produce like in the past. “People are actually preparing food and cooking food so we get involved,” explains Brown. “A lot of people think we are trying to stop them from doing these things at Farmers Markets but we want Farmers Markets to happen. It’s a good way for people to get healthy food to eat. It’s a way for farmers to sell their product. We want it to happen but we have to be careful when someone shows up and cooks lunch for people. We need to be able to inspect that.” If you have questions as to whether you need a permit for something you’d like to sell, contact TriCounty Health or the Department of Agriculture at 801-633-3965. 

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