Give’m Health: School Resource Officer Urges Safe Driving With School Back 

by | Aug 24, 2023 | News | 0 comments

The start of a new school year is exciting and adds plenty of new reasons to be safe while behind the wheel. School Resource Officer Orion Young visited the Evans Family Media studio this week with a reminder for everyone in a rush in the morning to slow down and pay attention! He especially emphasized that texting while driving is a huge problem and they have the camera footage to prove it. When a school bus stops to pick up or drop off children, lights flash and signs make it clear that traffic must stop. What happens far too often, he says, is people drive around the bus, putting kids in grave danger. What are they doing? Well often the camera footage clearly shows that the person was looking at their phone when they come up on a bus and zip around it. Please think of a yellow bus as a yellow light and he doesn’t mean to speed up. Remember there could be a kid that comes from either side of the road so just calm down and wait patiently for the bus to move on. 

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