Give’m Health: October Is Adult Immunization Month

by | Oct 20, 2021 | News | 0 comments

October is Adult Immunization Month and TriCounty Health is sharing more about this topic as part of the Give’m Health weekly feature. Most people know there is a schedule to follow for childhood immunizations but adults need to make sure they are up-to-date on their immunizations as well, shares TriCounty Health. Tetanus should be boosted every 5 to 10 years, if you have had an injury that broke the skin, a booster sooner is a good idea. Adults 50 years old and older should get two doses of the shingles vaccine, this will help prevent shingles which is known for causing a painful rash. TriCounty Health recommends the flu shot every year for anyone 6 months and older but adults should also be diligent in protecting themselves every flu season. Finally, the pneumonia vaccine is recommended as adults 65 years old and older are at risk for pneumonia and getting vaccinated against pneumonia can increase their chance of having a healthy winter. For more Give’m Health information, visit

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