Get Healthy Utah Redesignated Vernal as a Healthy Utah Community

by | Sep 7, 2023 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

Get Healthy Utah and the Utah League of Cities and Towns announced cities this week that have been redesignated as Healthy Utah Communities and Vernal is one of them.  “The Healthy Utah Community program recognizes cities and towns that are promoting policies and programs that support good health for their residents,” shares the announcement. “To earn the three-year designation, each city or town formed a community health coalition and implemented health strategies in the areas of access to healthy food, active living, and mental health. After three years, to be redesignated, a city or town must demonstrate a continued dedication to building a healthy community.” Get Healthy Utah is a non-profit organization working to improve healthy eating and active living in Utah. Get Healthy Utah works with schools, worksites, and community leaders to influence system-level change and provide better opportunities for health. The Utah League of Cities and Towns represents the interests of municipal government at the state and federal levels.

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