Friends Honor Dean Townsend with UBTech Scholarship

by | Feb 13, 2020 | News | 0 comments

The end of January marked six years since the tragic vehicle accident that took the life of Dean Townsend. His legacy of kindness is still remembered to this day. Dean, Lynn Labrum, and Chad Orme had been close friends. Dean had worked for Lynn for over 35 years and they eventually became business partners. After Dean’s passing, Cody Labrum became a partner in the business and though their business continued to grow, the partners were looking for a way to honor Dean. Lynn Labrum says, “Dean was always helping others. He made a big impact on the community.” The businessmen felt that a scholarship was the perfect way to honor their friend. Each of the partners are alumni of Uintah Basin Technical College and have first hand experience as to how the school helps the community. Chad Orme shares his experience stating,“When I got married, there weren’t any jobs. My wife lucked out and got a nursing scholarship. I see how important UBTech and technical education is. We wouldn’t be here today without it.” Their shared experience plus having employed fellow UBTech students and graduates kept UBTech on the forefront of their minds. UBTech President Aaron Weight shares that, “Lynn, Chad, Cody and I have been visiting about their desire to honor Dean for a few years now. Just before Christmas we visited and they communicated that now was the appropriate time. We’re privileged with the opportunity to have a scholarship in honor of Dean Townsend.” Orme explains even further, “A scholarship is a perfect tribute, because it resembles him continuing helping others.” The Dean Townsend Scholarship contribution is $6,000 a year for 5 years, benefiting students enrolled in the automotive and CDL programs at UBTech. They chose these programs for two reasons, first Dean’s brothers and father were truck drivers and to highlight the importance of safety on the road.

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