Friends Against Family Violence Shares Important Message With Community 

by | Oct 3, 2023 | News | 0 comments

The organization ‘Friends Against Family Violence’ has a very important message for the community as October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and they state that spreading awareness is a catalyst to save lives in our community. In a letter to the Uintah Basin Community they share, “This month takes on various meanings for different people. For some, it is a solemn reminder of loved ones lost. For others, it is a month of reflecting on the hardships they currently face. There are also those who see it as a celebration of the strength they found to leave an abusive relationship. We honor and respect all the ways that the people in our community view Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We do not take this month lightly because we know that building ‘awareness’ is a job that never ends…The truth is, Domestic Violence is happening right now in our community. When we don’t pay attention, when we aren’t aware, we give in to violence. But when we shine a light on the services that exist in our community, we can all be the difference in someone’s life.” There are free and confidential domestic violence services available 24/7 by calling 435-781-2264. Spread the word! 

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