Friends Against Family Violence Offering Classes To Community

by | Aug 22, 2024 | News | 0 comments

Friends Against Family Violence has a variety of classes offered to the public. The Vernal session of Moving Beyond Abuse starts up again on September 9th. “Moving Beyond Abuse can give you tools with life-changing results,” shares the announcement. “These unique books can help you create a program where women increase their understanding of the dynamics of abuse, feel less alone and isolated, feel empowered to make positive choices, and have a greater awareness of channels of safety. The sessions are based on the successful program developed by the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation which has been used with thousands of women [with] information and tips on how to handle 28 special issues such as child care, safety and protection, and substance abuse, just to name a few.” Friends Against Family Violence is also offering free Healing Trauma Through Art classes with sessions throughout the Uintah Basin. Learn more about their resources at

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