Forest Service Intermountain Projects Include Ute Tribe Cross-Boundary Project 

by | Jun 26, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The Ashley National Forest is receiving a portion of $3.5 million dollars being awarded to the Forest Service Intermountain Region. Among this, Ashley National Forest and the Utah Department of Natural Resource will complete projects on approximately 4,000 acres to support the South Slope cross-boundary project with the Ute Indian Tribe. The project includes an archaeological survey to identify culturally sensitive sites, fuels reduction, forest health treatments, wildlife habitat enhancement, and protection of infrastructure for public safety through thinning, mastication, chipping, piling, and broadcast burning on 26,160 acres. “These projects reflect a growing movement of collaboration on natural resource issues,” shares Intermountain Regional Forester Mary Farnsworth. “By partnering with federal, state, and local agencies, Tribes, and private companies, we can effectively reduce wildfire threats, protect water quality and supply, enhance wildlife habitats, and improve forest health and resiliency.”  

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