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Flyover Confirmed for 4th of July Parade; Float Applications Being Accepted

by | Jun 20, 2018 | News | 0 comments

The 4th of July is around the corner which means the annual 4th of July Parade down

Main Street in Vernal. The theme this year is “The Spirit of America” and parade

applications are available at the Chamber Office. Vernal Chamber Director Joel Brown

confirmed that the parade will include the always anticipated flyover. There will be four

F-35 Lightning Jets flying over the parade route. “The annual Independence Day Parade

brings our community together to celebrate the freedoms that we all enjoy,” shares

Brown. “Come join us by putting a float in the parade.” There will be prizes given for the

Most Patriotic, Best Flag Display, Little Patriot, and Most Unique entries. Participants

must turn in applications by 5:00pm on Monday, July 2nd.

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