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Flaming Gorge Ranger District Buckboard Marina Boundary Realignment

by | Apr 21, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Today was meant to be the last day for public comment on the proposed boundary realignment for Flaming Gorge’s Buckboard Marina but the deadline has been extended. Sweetwater Now reports that public concerns were a topic brought up by the Sweetwater County Commission to the Flaming Gorge Ranger District during their Commission meeting this week. The proposed adjustment would remove water acreage at Buckboard Marina but would add areas of land to the south and east and ultimately would increase the acreage. The general concern expressed is that this will ultimately limit public access to the lake and could even be the beginning of the end of the marina if the water rights are swapped for land and then limits where docks can be located. In response to a request from the Sweetwater County Commission, the public scoping period has been extended through May 19th. Questions can be emailed to and comments can be emailed to  

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