Flags for Freedom Patriotic Field to Fill Walking Park in Vernal

by | Jun 18, 2020 | News | 0 comments

A unique part of the upcoming Freedom Fest will be the Flags for Freedom Patriotic Field. Hundreds of American flags will be displayed at the Vernal Walking Park from July 1st to July 6th. Quinn Bennion, Vernal City Manager, shares, “Most of the flags are being donated or borrowed from the former scout troops in the area. 150 new flags will be added to the display this year.” There are several ways, besides visiting the display, that the community can be part of the Patriotic Field event. First, you can volunteer to help assemble flags, set up the display, or work at the information booth. Flags will be set up on Tuesday, June 30th, at 6pm and taken down on Monday, July 6th, at 6pm. If you would like to volunteer or need more information email Quinn Bennion at qbennion@gmail.com. Second, you could sponsor an individual flag with a $10 yellow ribbon that can be dedicated to honor a veteran or a special person of your choice. Individuals can order custom ribbons online or at the Recreation Center. Finally, people can donate to the flag project at the Uintah Recreation Center as it is the desire of the festival to build a display with well over 500 flags. 

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