Flag Field Yellow Ribbons Can Be Dedicated To Veterans Or Loved Ones

by | Jun 16, 2023 | News | 0 comments

A special patriotic display that touches hearts every year is preparing for setup. The patriotic Flag Field is part of the annual Dinosaurland Freedom Fest and displays over 600 flags at the Freestone Walking Park in Vernal during the week of July 4th. “The annual flag field is a reverent patriotic display to remind us of the service and sacrifice of our brave veterans,” shares this week’s press release. “Yellow ribbons can be dedicated to a veteran or loved one for $10 dollars to show appreciation for their service. The ribbons will be displayed on the flag field for two years.” The flag field will be set up Tuesday, June 27th starting at 5pm and retired Wednesday, July 5th. Volunteers are welcome to join the effort. To dedicate a flag ribbon, visit www.dinosaurlandfreedomfest.com

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