Fire Officials Holding Utah Resources Due To Increased Risk Of Wildfires

by | Aug 5, 2024 | News | 0 comments

An increase in lightning activity during continued hot and dry conditions have fire officials worried and scrambling to ensure resources will remain available in the state as the need arises. Given the weather predictions, the primary wildland fire management agencies share that they are working to balance the need for firefighting resources within Utah with the ongoing needs of neighboring states with significant fire activity.  They say it is critical to maintain adequate firefighters to suppress fires that may impact our communities. “Utah has been experiencing hot and dry conditions this summer,” shares Brett Ostler, State Fire Management Officer. “These conditions have increased the fire risk in the state, and we feel it is necessary to prioritize our resources to protect communities within Utah.” The ‘Fuels and Fire Behavior Advisory’ is listed as active through August 8th and lists the chance for dry lightning to be increased. Many of Utah’s large fires this season have been started by lightning. 

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