Film ‘Highline’ Treks Uinta Highline Trail; World Premiere This Month In Vernal

by | Jan 7, 2020 | News | 0 comments

The epic and inspiring tale of five friends trekking across the Uinta Highline Trail in ten days is the focus of the film ‘Highline’ premiering in Vernal this month. The feature length documentary created by Outmersive Films weaves the personal stories of the five friends as they experience the 100 mile trail first hand. It also highlights the history of the area, including the Native American presence as well as tales of Spanish treasure and famous outlaws. The film’s event synopsis shares the following: “For most of human history, we lived in wild places. Watch as the ancient history of the trail is woven together with the personal history of each of the hikers as they get back in touch with the world, and each other.” Now ready for audiences, the world premiere of Highline will be January 24th at the Uintah Conference Center. The screening is hosted by Uintah County Travel and Tourism and tickets are only $5 and can be purchased online. 

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