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February 2023 Business of the Month: Esquire RV

by | Feb 9, 2023 | Chamber Spotlights | 0 comments

In March of 1973 Gene and Lynell Anfinson moved to Vernal to assist Lynell’s parents, Virgil and Genita Hatch, in constructing Esquire Estates mobile home park. The following Spring of 1974, a visit to Jet Manufacturing in Salt Lake City inspired the founding of Esquire RV.
It all started with five Jet travel trailers lined up on the Esquire Estates frontage road adjacent to West Highway 40 (across from the Vernal Cinemas). The shop was a 30-by-30-foot block building located at the south end of the mobile home park. Within a couple of years, they expanded their inventory and moved an old one-room cabin to the front lot to be used as the sales office. In the early 1990s, the building received an attractive rock face-lift on the exterior, and a remodeled store and office. One night in 1998 there was a propane explosion and fire that destroyed the entire building, but miraculously, the files were saved so business could continue. After the fire they used a travel trailer as an office. Neighbors from other businesses in town helped with the fire cleanup by providing food and the tools needed. The overwhelming outpouring of love and support will never be forgotten.
In February of 1999 Esquire held its first-annual RV Show and Sale. The original thought behind the show and sale was to sell all the parts from the store that were still useable but had burn marks or smoke damage. They also decided to promote the trailers and add them to the arena. This show ended up being a huge hit, as they sold several trailers and most of the fire-damaged products. Because of that show in 1999, you will find Esquire RV at Vernal’s Western Park Indoor Arena the last weekend of February each year.
A new 6,000-square-foot building, “Camp-A-Lot,” and a separate 4,000-square-foot shop were completed in 1999. In 2001, Gene and Lynell Anfinson sold their share of the partnership to Danny and Peggy Moore. Shortly after the partnership sale, Kiley Moore (Danny and Peggy’s son) started working for them in 2002. In 2012 Brandt Emery joined the ranks and on January 1, 2021, they purchased the business from Danny and Peggy. Today, they have 24 employees and boast one of the largest parts inventories anywhere, with over 90 units in inventory.
“For us the important thing has always been focusing on the people,” said Brandt. “We don’t let the bottom line or dollar amounts distract us from making sure that our customers and our employees come first. Always.” He also shared that the best part of being part of a long-time local business is seeing the progress and growth of his employees and helping them be set up for success in their lives at whatever they choose to do. A close second: seeing the joy on someone’s face as they pick up their new trailer and hit the road for the first time.
Esquire RV has been so blessed with amazing support from the community, so, they do what they can to give back and support many local events and charities. They support Uintah Basin Orchestra and Chorus where Brandt serves as the chairman. They support the Velociraptor biking team, Rocky Mountain Elks Foundation, Utah Mule Deer Foundation, National Rifle Assoc., local charity golf tournaments like Strata and USU, high school sports and music programs, local events such as Basin Revival, several charities of local churches including Latter Day Saint and other Christian denominations. It seems whenever there is an event or good cause, Esquire RV is contributing in some way.
The Public Relations Committee of the Vernal Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased to present Business of the Month to Esquire RV in recognition of their longevity and many contributions to our community.

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