While completing the CENSUS may not be at the top of the priority list, local communities are urging citizens to take the few minutes to complete it because millions of dollars in funding are at stake if locals don’t. According to the most recent data, the state of Utah has a 67 percent CENSUS response rate while Uintah County is at about 55 percent and Duchesne County is reporting a 29 percent response rate. Roosevelt City issued a press release on Monday urging Duchesne County citizens to please complete the CENSUS as each person counted equals about $1,100 dollars in federal funding and with a population of about 20,000 people that’s $22 million dollars in federal funds available each year. “There are 316 federal programs that have funds allocated based on the Census,” said Duchesne County Commissioner Greg Miles. “Census data affects Medicare, Medicaid, small business grants, student loans, food pantries, fire departments. There are so many things that money is allocated for, but we won’t get it if we aren’t counted.” Utah State Senator Ron Winterton agrees. “All the federal grants and money that we apply for are based on population,” said Winterton. “That information comes from the Census. People need to understand that it is how the government divides up its money.” It’s also important for all to understand that Census data affects voting impact. “It’s equally important for people to understand that this is how they’ll determine where lines are drawn for voting districts,” said Miles. “We have a smaller and smaller voice each year when district lines are drawn. We have less representation from rural Utah. If the people here want us to have a voice in our government, then it’s ultra-important for them to care about the Census.” The CENSUS is easy to complete and only takes a few minutes online. Only one CENSUS is required per household. Include every person living in your household when filling out the questionnaire. Go to www.my2020census.gov and click “Start Questionnaire.”