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Excavation Begins For Pickleball Courts At Vernal’s Independence Park

by | Apr 26, 2023 | News | 0 comments

There will soon be more opportunities to play the latest competitive craze. The addition of pickleball courts at Independence Park in Vernal was approved one year ago during a Uintah Recreation Special Service District Board meeting and work is finally underway on the project. The cost came back too high the first time the project went out to bid but Vernal City Manager Quinn Bennion explains that they bid it again and were able to secure a contractor that installs pickleball courts regularly in the Salt Lake area and his bid came in at $280,000 dollars which is half the original bid. That contractor is on site excavating and the courts are expected to be available and open by July 1st. This was made possible by a partnership between multiple entities, including Vernal City, Uintah County, Ashley Regional Medical Center, Uintah Basin Healthcare, the Rocky Mountain Power Foundation, the Healthy and Happy Lifestyle Committee, Uintah School District, and Special Service District 1. The courts will be open to the public but during school hours the Vernal Middle School classes will have first priority. 

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