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DWR Reminds Residents that Youth Pheasant and Quail Hunts Open Soon

by | Oct 11, 2019 | News | 0 comments

The youth pheasant and quail hunts are opening this weekend with the general seasons starting on November 2nd. Utah’s  Division of Wildlife Resources reminds youth that the statewide youth hunt for pheasant and quail is from Saturday, October 12th to Monday, October 14th. Anyone that is 17 years old or younger as of July 31st and has completed their Hunter Education is eligible. Another possible way to qualify is if you’re at least 12 years old you might be able to participate through Utah’s Trial Hunting program. Make sure that you have your hunting license and that you follow all of the state’s upland game hunting rules. DWR will be releasing pheasants on Wildlife Management Areas throughout the season so be sure to visit the DWR website where it will show you where those pheasants will be released. 

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