DWR Reminds Public to Watch for Inspection Stations

by | May 4, 2021 | News | 0 comments

It’s that time of year! Utah Division of Wildlife Resources conservation officers will be conducting administrative checkpoints during busy boating weekends throughout the summer. They examine boats to ensure the drain plugs have been removed and have not been reinstalled. There are over 40 inspection stations located around Utah, with some located at boat launch ramps and others along highways. Locations in northeastern Utah include Starvation Reservoir, Pelican Lake, Steinaker Reservoir, Red Fleet Reservoir, Flaming Gorge-Cedar Springs, and Flaming Gorge-Lucerne. What happens if someone transporting a watercraft doesn’t stop at an inspection station? State law mandates that all watercraft stop at an operating inspection station. Anyone who doesn’t stop is guilty of a class B misdemeanor. Along with receiving a citation, the individual will be directed back to the station to get their watercraft inspected. A watercraft can also be detained or quarantined if the owner refuses to submit to an inspection. 

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