The Division of Wildlife Resources has several reminders for recreators this spring and summer. There is big water on the Green River these days, shares DWR regional aquatics manager Trina Hedrick. Remember that the bypass flows are being released from Flaming Gorge Dam and caution is needed while fishing and boating. For anglers, keep in mind there is a must kill order for smallmouth bass, northern pike and walleye. “These are predators endangering our native fish,” explains Hedrick. “The way to identify them is if it has spines it is not native and needs to come out.” Another thing to note is there is no limit on channel catfish. Boaters are urged to take all precautions to prevent the spread of quagga and zebra mussels. These small, clam-like creatures reproduce rapidly and deplete nutrients in the water. They jeopardize power and water infrastructures, damage ecosystems and destroy recreation. It is illegal in the state of Utah to possess or transport invasive mussels and all boats and equipment must be decontaminated before entering or traveling in Utah. “Everyone with a boat needs to step up,” says Hedrick. “Take care of it and follow the steps.” Get more information at