DWR: Places for Great Bird Watching in Northeastern Utah

by | May 12, 2021 | News | 0 comments

Spring means wildlife migration and the Division of Wildlife Resources is encouraging all nature lovers to make time for some bird watching. “Early mornings from 6 to 9am are great times to locate birds since they tend to be very vocal and active during those hours,” shares the DWR. “It’s also helpful to use binoculars and to have a bird identification book — or an online resource — within reach during your birding trip.” Whether you are a bird-watching enthusiast or just like being outside in nature, the following are great spots to see migrating birds like common loons in northeastern Utah this spring: Ouray National Wildlife Refuge, Pelican Lake, Stewart Lake Waterfowl Management Area, and mountain reservoirs like Big Sandwash, Matt Warner, Red Fleet and Steinaker. You can also often see pelicans at Matt Warner Reservoir this time of year and all have small songbirds as well due to the variety of habitats they offer.

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