DWR Officers Highlight the Most Common Wildlife Violations in Utah

by | Sep 19, 2023 | News | 0 comments

Utah Division of Wildlife Resources officers are getting serious about hunters getting educated before heading out. One common mistake they often see is someone killing wildlife without a valid permit or fishing on an expired license. This occurs when people neglect to carefully check their licenses and permits before heading into the field. DWR Captain Chad Bettridge says, “The best way to stay out of trouble is to review the regulations and carefully check your permit before you go out in the field. It’s shocking how many people go hunting without even opening their envelope to see what permit they drew. They often wait to look at their permit until after they have harvested an animal and then finally discover that they hunted in the wrong unit or season, or sometimes for the wrong species entirely.” Visit www.wildlife.utah.gov to stay informed. 

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