July and August are popular times to take hunter education because it’s right before the fall general-season big game hunts and the Division of Wildlife Resources encourages all to work on requirements now. To hunt in Utah, everyone born after December 31st, 1965 must complete a state-approved hunter education class or participate in the Trial Hunting Program. To complete hunter education in Utah, you have the option of taking a traditional in-person class led by an instructor or an online course followed by an in-person field day. Both options include a final written test and the “field day,” which includes hands-on skills demonstration and a live-fire shooting exercise at the end. Prior to taking either course option, you need to buy a hunter education registration certificate online or from a license agent. The certificate costs $12 and is required before you can do the in-person field day. Both the in-person and online courses will teach you about firearm safety, hunter responsibility and ethics. The online course can be taken at your own pace, while the in-person course typically has scheduled meeting times and locations. The online course costs $25, and you can register for it on the Utah Hunter Education webpage. Visit wildlife.utah.gov for more information.