DWR Hosting Mountain Goat Viewing Event in Duchesne County

by | Mar 12, 2021 | News | 0 comments

After a year of cancelled events, the Division of Wildlife Resources is moving forward with a socially distanced event in Duchesne County to enjoy mountain goat watching. “Duchesne County is currently under the moderate COVID-19 transmission level,” shares the DWR. “Participants are asked to maintain 6 feet between household groups and to wear a mask if they are unable to maintain distance.” The event is scheduled for Saturday, March 20th, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. near the Upper Stillwater Dam in an area known as Rock Creek, northwest of Mountain Home. Biologists will be available to answer questions and provide information about mountain goats. “Participants can usually see 10 to 30 mountain goats and other wildlife from Rock Creek Road, which runs through the canyon where the goats spend their winter months,” shares DWR Northeastern Region Outreach Manager Tonya Kieffer-Selby. “The Uinta Mountains are the largest contiguous block of mountain goat habitat in Utah, and mountain goat populations in the Uintas are doing well.” Visit wildlife.utah.gov for more information.

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