DUI Driver Arrested That Damaged Property Throughout Area & Escaped On Foot

by | Nov 20, 2023 | Featured Stories, News | 0 comments

A 19-year-old driver that damaged property along multiple residences in Uintah County was arrested on DUI and Criminal Mischief charges last week. According to court documents, Officers were called to the area of 500 East 4500 South on November 13th on a complaint that a car had knocked over trash cans and ran over a mailbox before driving off. Additional calls came in with similar reports, including one in which another vehicle was damaged by the objects hit by the driver. Officers searched the area and spotted a vehicle with a missing headlight and significant damage to its passenger side. An Officer conducted a traffic stop and the suspect pulled over. He was placed under arrest and secured in the patrol car. While officers inventoried his car he began banging on the vehicle window. When the Officer opened the door to remove the handcuffs, the suspect escaped, jumped a fence, and ran through a field. He was located in the area of 3600 South 1500 East and taken into custody. A breath test was administered at the Uintah County Jail which remained well over the legal limit. 

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