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Duchesne County Subdivision Ordinance Public Hearing Scheduled

by | Jan 22, 2025 | News | 0 comments

A public hearing has been scheduled in the matter of the Duchesne County Subdivision Ordinance as amendments are considered by Duchesne County. Four months ago, the Commissioners passed an ordinance to pause subdivision development of greater than 4 lots for a 6 month period to allow time to consider revisions. While there are several concerns being considered, a main concern is the availability of water to serve the residents of new developments. The Fruitland Special Service District reported in the fall that they do not have any additional water connections available. The Commissioners also noted that people have been moving to Duchesne County to live on property that was meant for recreation and are living in camp trailers without a proper septic system. There have also been issues with roads and a jump in theft in these areas where subdivisions are not on county roads. A Duchesne County Planning Commission public hearing has been scheduled on the matter for February 5th at 5pm. The Duchesne County Commissioners are scheduled to take a look at the proposed ordinance on February 24th at 1pm. All written comments received by January 28th will be included in the Planning Commission meeting agenda packet. Comments will also be welcomed in person at the February 5th public hearing. 

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