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Duchesne County Spring Burn Window Open

by | Apr 26, 2023 | News | 0 comments

It’s time for spring burning! The Duchesne County spring burn window opened April 15th and runs through May 30th. All controlled burns must be reported to Central Dispatch at 435-789-4222 or 435-738-2424. It’s very important to get educated about the rules for spring burning before getting started on it. Burn barrels are illegal and no household refuse/garbage can be burned. Outdoor refuse should be in a clean area away from any structures. Choose a clean area away from trees. The burn area should not be near or under any power poles, power lines, or utility service. Always keep a good water source available while burning and watch and tend the fire at all times. Central Dispatch must be contacted BEFORE you burn and all fires must be out before dusk. Perform your burn as early as possible in the day and, of course, keep burn piles to a manageable size and avoid burning in any windy conditions.

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