Stakeholders from Duchesne County met with Governor Herbert and other state partners on Tuesday at the state capital building. The meeting focused on Duchesne County’s economic development plan and how it ties into the Governor’s 25,000 jobs in rural Utah initiative. All three Duchesne County Commissioners were present along with team members from the county’s Economic Development Office, and industry and education partners from the Basin. In addition to the Governor, representatives from the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, the Governor’s Office of Energy Development, World Trade Center Utah, and others were in attendance. Mike McKee, the Executive Director of the 7 County Infrastructure Coalition, was among those that presented and all in attendance agreed that planning for the future is critical to economic stability for rural eastern Utah. “The meeting went supremely well,” shares Duchesne County Economic Development Director Irene Hansen. “In most states, rural areas feel a huge disconnect with state leaders. I think the exact opposite is true in Utah.” Hansen says Duchesne County stakeholders came home feeling positive and ready to work on building the economy and finding ways to utilize state services.