Duchesne County Library System Ready For 2022

by | Jan 4, 2022 | News | 0 comments

The Duchesne County Library System is ready for 2022 and is inviting the community to make the library a part of your new year. The Roosevelt Branch is still inviting community members to join the Winter-Read-A-Thon with whoever logs the most reading time by January 31st being declared the winner. The Roosevelt location also has a WhoDunit? Adventure through the library website and Lego challenges each week of the month of January, including today’s challenge to build a snowman. The Roosevelt Library and the Arts, Parks, Recreation Committee is also hosting a Board Game Night at the Crossroads Senior Center on the 3rd Friday of the month at 6pm. The Duchesne Branch is reminding residents that they still have WiFi hotspots that can be checked out for 2 weeks thanks to CARES Act funds through the Utah State Library Division. 

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