Duchesne County History Center Invites All To Join Effort On Facebook

by | Jan 6, 2022 | News | 0 comments

The Duchesne County History Center historical photo project continues to progress thanks to the use of social media. Duchesne County Library Director Daniel Mauchley shares that the History Center’s Facebook page now has over 700 followers that help the History Center to identify people, places, events, and things in the photos posted. “We are keeping an index of each scanned photo with the information that the followers on Facebook help us provide,” shares Mauchley. “This social media information crowdsourcing quickly provides a large amount of information efficiently and effectively. Our hope in the next year or two is to host these photos online and connect them with our library catalog to make them searchable.” All are invited to participate in this local history effort. Follow the Duchesne County History Center page on Facebook and see the historical photos being shared. 

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