Duchesne City Open Burn Window Announcement

by | Sep 17, 2024 | News | 0 comments

The Duchesne City Fire Department has issued its own details on the Open Burn Window within Duchesne City limits. The clearing index must be 500 feet or greater. An open burn permit must be obtained before burning. Permits can be issued between September 15th and October 31st. Materials to be burned must be dry and no trash, rubbish, tires, or oil can be included. The announcement also asks Duchesne City residents to consider the location and proximity of the proposed burning to any building, structure, or public area that could be impacted by the smoke and emissions from the burn. The burn area must not be under or near power poles, power lines, or other utilities. Burns must be supervised by a responsible person with a reliable water source. All fires must be out by dusk. Never burn in windy conditions and always remember, the burn permit applicant is liable for any injury, damage, or costs incurred if the fire spreads beyond the controlled area. Before beginning your controlled burn, call 435-738-2424. 

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